i'll be back.

luka m @luka

Age 39, Male

Flash / Video



Joined on 4/2/01

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i fully expect to see an ng plastered slovenia by the time i visit.

Anywho i try and do the same, i find that things without any words are the biggest draw for people... like at work i have this angry faic sticker on my wall and im always asked why would anyone choose to make a sticker of an angry face shouldnt it be a happy one? ... same with the tankmen and other non branded stickers.. its interesting the human psyche in trying to make sense of things you dont understand.. but your brain just like forces itself to make some sort of sense or seek some sort of explanation.

I'm doing my best :)

I liked this news post. It's very sweet. :3

I cant believe how much NG merch you have!

It'd be cool to start a thread where people just post pics of where they have put ng related material... or see it in use or whatever... maybe a thread like that exists already.. but itd be fun.

Do it!

My Xbox 360 I got the march after it launched, it was returned by a guy that said it showed him the RROD, but it worked and i haven't had a RROD that actually killed my console ^^

also, I have some stickers, just cant think of where to plaster them XD

your avatar still makes you look like you are being manhandled by some lumberjack in the forest

I laughed out loud. After that I finally changed the image. Now I'm being womanhandled.

After much research i've found that to be krinkels' arm.

Oh shiz. I never got a RROD for 2 years. But last friday we were going to play it, and got the one that means it's broken :c

That reminds me, I got some stickers too. I put them on my brothers guitar hero and Rockband controllers. Never thought of taking pictures of them and putting up. I think I'll go do that now!

You really are a huge fan of NG! I know I owe this place a lot!

You're beautiful

That made me feel all warm, but then I realized I had just peed my pants with glee.

Haha... I have a similar NG shrine above my desk. Lots of stickers lie waiting to be used on my bulletin board, and my Newgrounds Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Community sits above my other trophies and plaques.

You're right. At face value they're just a bunch of swag, but they're more than that. I never bought the t-shirts and stickers. They were rewards for making good content. They remind me that I'm doing something right. And right now, with all the anger, disappointment and bullshit going on with my school and colleagues, they help keep my sights centered on the horizon.

since you have a 360 you should join us on our ng gta romps that we have occasionally... its kinda fun. KINDA.

I don't have gold account nor will I have it.

if i had that much stickers i would probably go insane and talk like some mad G(eek)...so pretty odd...

im in luv with barney the dinosaur... i wanna rape him in da asshole :3

made a graffiti 4 u on my page.

Prilicno nacionalisticki ali hvala :)

Did you pay for all that or did you get it for free?

I paid for most of it, yes.

ahhh pravio sam ja i za vise ljudi.... a btw ja mislio ti iz slovenije

and btw if u seen the graffiti Hrvatska u seen the wrong one ....

the reel 1 is now on my user page

woahh, you're really cute %u2665

now we know that u can catch women here

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