i'll be back.

luka m @luka

Age 39, Male

Flash / Video



Joined on 4/2/01

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luka's News

Posted by luka - November 24th, 2014

I kinda stopped making games for five years now. Since then I moved to video and managed to snag a role in this commercial which I believe is now currently being run on US television. Which is pretty cool because I'm from a land far away in Europe.



However! I've been working on a game on and off for a while. I've yet to finish it. Hopefully someday.


Wrongful doing




Posted by luka - May 1st, 2010

This is how we had fun for Luis's birthday in Matlock, UK in January.

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(I totally forgot to post this 13 days ago)

...and now I saw Luis already posted the video but whatever.

Posted by luka - February 6th, 2010

While we were celebrating Luis's birthday in Matlock, Bezman asked me if I could make a music video for one of his songs. We went out, improvised and this little gem came out.

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Posted by luka - November 2nd, 2009

...in Slovenia. Which means that you don't get to enjoy it, BUT -- I got you covered with english subtitles thanks to YouTube's subtitle option and thanks to my friend who makes a living by translating stuff from English to Slovenian and vice versa.

It all started me wanting to do something else besides the constant flow of short sketches. A show of some sort. We made a pilot but it wasn't accepted on TV. One year later I said fuck it, let's make it a web show. The first Slovenian web show. We did some promo pictures (below), made a webpage, Facebook page, YouTube account, Twitter account. Basically, we social networked it to death for promotion. The first episode got out this Saturday and it's accepted really well. I'm being called for interviews for different magazines and TV shows.

I gotta admit, it's nothing special, really. Nothing new. At least for the American public. You've got tons of Scrubs and Malcolm in the Middles but we ain't got none of those. Only low quality and non funny shit on TV. So I'm trying to get some western style humor here and see what happens. You might not laugh a bit because it's just not the same with subtitles. The thing is that my country is so small that the competition is scarce. Of course there's the whole independent film making culture here but the overall quality isn't very good. The timing for doing something like this is perfect because you have millions of ways to promote your work right now with Facebook, Twitter and whatnot.

We're planning on doing 12 episodes of 5 minutes and see what happens then.

For those interested, the camera we use is Sony XDCAM EX1 with a 35mm adapter attached to it. Two softboxes as light sources and Adobe Premiere combined with After Effects for video editing. Our sound sucks because we don't have a proper microphone.

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So I started doing an online sitcom show...

Posted by luka - May 29th, 2009

After a while of promoting Newgrounds to my own girlfriend, she suddenly created an account. Played some games, earned achievements, reviewed a movie, sent me links to a few movies she likes, etc. Being a hardcore Newgrounds fan, one can only dream about that. Or maybe I'm just exaggerating. Still, I am a proud boyfriend. :) Anyway, feel free to welcome her.

I once held a presentation about Newgrounds to about 100 people. Sadly, I'll never know how many people actually went to the website or how many people became regulars. But it feels good to know that someone you personally know is an NG regular so you can chat about cool new movies and games among other stuff. It's especially nice if that someone is close to you. Now all I need is an emo song in the background, jeez.

Sorry about that. Anyway, how about some medals in my games? Nuclear Eagle? The Classroom? Would you be willing to play the game again to earn some points?

Posted by luka - March 22nd, 2009

In my home country, I run a website which features short sketch movies that I make. They gained quite a following but sadly I can't show any of them since they are all in Slovenian and subtitling them would be a pain in the ass. YouTube now has a subtitle function which is awesome so it might happen one day. Anyway, for some reason I decided to remake something because I never tried that out. Something short. Watch and try to notice which one. Sorry for the Slovenian but there are closed captions, heh.

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I went for this. I haven't done the exact same version because it wouldn't look 'real' enough in live action version. Still, I feel like I raped it so Jason Lowe, I am sorry. Now I felt just a tip of what directors of comics/cartoons/books have to go through. Sort of but not really. Also, you might've noticed that voices suck but that's because I suck at sound. I never got into sound engineering part yet and what you heard were all Foley sounds.


ps. Yes, I was really looking at his dick. Eleven times -- the number it took to get it right. Also, "Na Klopci." == "On a Bench.".

Posted by luka - February 27th, 2009

For the reasons that are unknown to me, this took way too long and I am sorry for that.

I finally present you the Newgrounds London Meet IV video. A very short version of it though but then again this is all we do. Watch this, add about 12 extra hours to the video and that's the whole deal. Well, almost but still. We meet talk, drink, have fun while doing it. The highlight of this year's meet was the Karaoke bar! So go on and see how your favourite artists/users sing. For video specs and the making of process to those who are interested in, read below, otherwise this is it. Go watch. Sorry to those who haven't got enough video exposure or any exposure at all. There's always next year!

ps. Names in annotations are actually usernames so just type the username.newgrounds.com to check out each person's profile!

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Author comments:

There are various things I did for the first time with this. Shooting a documentary/report type of video, editing a documentary/report type of video, making subtitles, adding annotations. This was my first time and it shows. In my opinion, it is much harder than doing a directed video since you constantly have to be prepared for anything interesting, shooting it, planning your shot in real time, etc, etc. I learned stuff from this, of course. First and most important thing is that I haven't been talking to people as much as I needed to. I was mostly shooting everyone as a group and I haven't taken time to interact with individuals. Editing is a whole other thing. You have hours of material that you need to shrink to a couple of minutes. Same with music videos. Practice makes perfect. I'm new to this and I'm sure I'll get the hang of it as I got the hang of making movies. Also, my personal equipment is pretty weak and I'm doing the best I can with it.

I added subtitles just because YouTube has that option and since the sound is crappy at some points I figured that the viewer might not hear what someone is saying. Otherwise he can just turn subtitles off. So it's a win-win situation in any case. JPI, if you're reading this, you may noticed that I haven't subtitled your dialog with Paul, Kester and Mogly because honestly, I cannot understand what you said because of too many voices in the background. So feel free to tell me and I'll add it.

I wanted to add names of everyone with fancy effects but then again I let that to be an option with YouTube's Annotations. Good or bad decision? You tell me. Obviously bad if the video goes somewhere else outside of YouTube. It looks ugly though I gotta admit and who I tagged is mostly random. Sadly, I cannot tag just EVERYONE. Some users are tagged more than once because it's never sure if it's the same person. If someone wants to play with annotations some more I can give you the link for editing annotations.

Canon HV20 is the camera that was used.

Posted by luka - February 9th, 2009

After seeing previous two music videos of mine, Skye Boyes of XGen Studios (creator of Defend Your Castle) approached me and asked me if I'd want to make a video for his band Triple Exposure. I love the music. It's awesome. Instant yes.

The first question was how to make a music video for someone who is on a whole different continent? Go full CGI, make a fake 3d stage, cut band members out of some concert pictures so it looks like they were torn out of a magazine and shake them pretending that they are playing on a concert. The following was made. I had lots of fun making it.

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I attended the London meet for the 3rd time only that this time I went with my camera with one goal (besides having fun and chatting with all the attendees of course). To create a fun video out of the whole thing with interviews and all. That I did. Now I only have to edit that thing starting from tomorrow and it should be done by the time I'll be able to write another frontpage news post which is 7 days from now. I will also be attending the Amsterdam meet with the same goal of creating another video.

The year 2008 was a year of the video for me. I created lots of stuff. Even made a pilot for a tv show which will hopefully be accepted. If not, well, I'll try some more. My flash work suffered because of it but I'm coming back with Stranded 2 (yes, it's actually coming out) and another game which should be a spiritual sequel to Nuclear Eagle but not really.

See you soon.

Posted by luka - October 31st, 2008

Hi. I'm also back from Japan. Sadly, I was unable to get to Tokyo while Tom was there because I was actually touring the whole Japan and my last stop was Tokyo which was on 20th of October. I liked it very much and I plan on going again next year just to Tokyo for a month because it's so huge that a couple of days isn't enough. Here are a couple of random antics from Japan...

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Now back to work. I'm trying to finish a game that has been in the works for 2 years now.

Back from Japan!

Posted by luka - September 17th, 2008

This is the second video me and my friend made. It took two days to film, 15 hours of filming each day, one month of planning and about a month to edit, about 35 different locations, we had to manually move the heavy equipment on foot around the city to film each scene of the video ... all this for a team of only four people. What I thought is impossible to make actually turned out pretty good if you ask me and I'm glad it's over. As usual, language is Slovenian so you won't understand a bit but hey, music is a global language.

ps. I recommend going to the actual site of the video so you can view the video in full HD size. Enjoy!

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I made a music video for MTV and shit #2