i'll be back.

luka m @luka

Age 39, Male

Flash / Video



Joined on 4/2/01

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I made a music video for MTV and shit #2

Posted by luka - September 17th, 2008

This is the second video me and my friend made. It took two days to film, 15 hours of filming each day, one month of planning and about a month to edit, about 35 different locations, we had to manually move the heavy equipment on foot around the city to film each scene of the video ... all this for a team of only four people. What I thought is impossible to make actually turned out pretty good if you ask me and I'm glad it's over. As usual, language is Slovenian so you won't understand a bit but hey, music is a global language.

ps. I recommend going to the actual site of the video so you can view the video in full HD size. Enjoy!

/* */

I made a music video for MTV and shit #2


Looks like he's in a green screen half of the time for some reason.

Other than that it's pretty cool :)

That's weird. We intentionally avoided green screen to make it real instead of fake.

awesome work, congrats,

and I understood the chorus. " I stinked up my Shoes" " Obi' blows and Chevy blows"

I actually get the Obi blows and Chevy blows part but I can't get the I stinked up my shoes part :) It just doesn't sound like it at all :S

Thanks :)

jeez great job can hardly tell it's not pro :)

lol @ mindchamber

Dammit mindchamber now thats all i hear.

Anyway nice work luksy. See ya in London... again.


I think you need animation in your videos :D It would be very swanky :D

Our previous video was completely CGI so we went strictly CGI-free here. Except those three animated frames which the artist wished for.

The music would be more global if the words weren't 90% of the song. A rap doesn't give much to the actual tune; usually only a small beat loop and some simple repetitive melody. Rap goes more towards invoking feelings through the lyrics, which only someone who speaks that language can understand.

Still a cool video, I don't like that the bald guy in preppy collared clothing was constantly walking towards the camera the whole time though. It could have been more innovative, you obviously have some seriously good recording equipment.

Thanks for the comments.

Shit that looked incredibly professional, Very nice and catchy, I just saw the lyrics as an instrument, Great job. See ya' at the next London meet.

I'll make sure to organize another hall ppl party!

i dont like the hip hop, but i need to make a comment about the video

the angles are really great, also the balance of the lights, is a good job

dood only thing i understanded in teh song is :bez postovanja?????? O_o.....
vid is nice

lol MindChamber guy speaks slovenian and i think the chours are slovenian too.... DUH


You missed the point.

but i can't get the point...... it slipped

what as se zde kdaj vprasu means???

are the people that say '' Obi blows Chewy blows'' just some random people orr???

Awesome awesome awesome! Looks great!

hey where did u film this...? It looks familiar....

Ljubljana, Slovenia

hey i have a contest on my page so if u have time pls see

man i have an uncle in Ljubljana.....he lives in Ljubljana but he works in Croatia in Samobor.....man i cant remember the last time i was there....like 5 years ago....

Pretty cool man. Good job.The video reminds me of 'Fit but you know it' by the Streets:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cr4TpXqlPhI">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cr4TpX qlPhI</a>

'Do you have currency in Slovenia?' seems like such an unbelievably stupid question when you see a video like this, and oh look - it's a usual place.

hey are you gonna make classroom4?


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