In my home country, I run a website which features short sketch movies that I make. They gained quite a following but sadly I can't show any of them since they are all in Slovenian and subtitling them would be a pain in the ass. YouTube now has a subtitle function which is awesome so it might happen one day. Anyway, for some reason I decided to remake something because I never tried that out. Something short. Watch and try to notice which one. Sorry for the Slovenian but there are closed captions, heh.
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I went for this. I haven't done the exact same version because it wouldn't look 'real' enough in live action version. Still, I feel like I raped it so Jason Lowe, I am sorry. Now I felt just a tip of what directors of comics/cartoons/books have to go through. Sort of but not really. Also, you might've noticed that voices suck but that's because I suck at sound. I never got into sound engineering part yet and what you heard were all Foley sounds.
ps. Yes, I was really looking at his dick. Eleven times -- the number it took to get it right. Also, "Na Klopci." == "On a Bench.".
How did this get on youtube!?!