i'll be back.

luka m @luka

Age 39, Male

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So I started doing an online sitcom show...

Posted by luka - November 2nd, 2009

...in Slovenia. Which means that you don't get to enjoy it, BUT -- I got you covered with english subtitles thanks to YouTube's subtitle option and thanks to my friend who makes a living by translating stuff from English to Slovenian and vice versa.

It all started me wanting to do something else besides the constant flow of short sketches. A show of some sort. We made a pilot but it wasn't accepted on TV. One year later I said fuck it, let's make it a web show. The first Slovenian web show. We did some promo pictures (below), made a webpage, Facebook page, YouTube account, Twitter account. Basically, we social networked it to death for promotion. The first episode got out this Saturday and it's accepted really well. I'm being called for interviews for different magazines and TV shows.

I gotta admit, it's nothing special, really. Nothing new. At least for the American public. You've got tons of Scrubs and Malcolm in the Middles but we ain't got none of those. Only low quality and non funny shit on TV. So I'm trying to get some western style humor here and see what happens. You might not laugh a bit because it's just not the same with subtitles. The thing is that my country is so small that the competition is scarce. Of course there's the whole independent film making culture here but the overall quality isn't very good. The timing for doing something like this is perfect because you have millions of ways to promote your work right now with Facebook, Twitter and whatnot.

We're planning on doing 12 episodes of 5 minutes and see what happens then.

For those interested, the camera we use is Sony XDCAM EX1 with a 35mm adapter attached to it. Two softboxes as light sources and Adobe Premiere combined with After Effects for video editing. Our sound sucks because we don't have a proper microphone.

/* */

So I started doing an online sitcom show...



ill have to come to slovenia to make a cameo as the love interest of your character.

I'd love that.

Very good! it is funny! This would bee great as a real show.

For anyone who doesn't know how to turn on subtitles, the arrow button to the far right. Go over it and select the second option. It should be the first one that you can select.

Thanks and thanks for the instructions! I thought it was automatic for anyone outside of Slovenia.

Awesome! I've always wanted to go to Slovenia... My grandpa was born there, and I don't know anything about any family I might have there, lol. I'm totally going to watch your sitcom now... well not right now since I'm heading to class... but after, I PROMISE.

Take your time. And you're always welcome! ;)

I love your cinematography man you always pull out the professional stuff.

Thanks a lot!

Is that hansom fella sporting a Angry Faic shirt?

I sure am.

I agree with Luis.

and newgrounds?

who cares if you dont understand it
this automatically rocks!


Glad you noticed ;)

with your immaculate taste in wardrobe, you'll have them eating out of your hand.

Cool shizshow with nice editing and cinematography and humor and such. 9.9/10

I am in Dalmacija,too bad i am not in Slovenia

Lost is a great fucking TV show. Oh fuck ass yes.

slovenija rulz

I didn't even need the subtitles, I'm Croatian! C(h)oveku, kako si? :)

btw the name means "Such a lovely day" or "Heartly day" or even "Lovely day"

Really funny, I love the part when he gets rejected and says she's ugly up-close.

Pretty slick. And it's always great to find out that respected NG users arent ugly as hell.

fuck you man! i watched the first episode and liked it so much that i went to go watch the next one but it isnt subbed ): how am i suppost to procrastinate like this?

Nag to Luka about this, he is supposed to supply me with sub files and he's playing Left4Dead instead :D

Episode 2 is subbed and Ep3 will be subbed by tonight (Sunday - GMT+1) B-)

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